Cast your vote
We now ask you to vote on proposals for what education, labor, business, and government leaders should do to contribute to a new social contract. To see the full list of proposals for a given stakeholder group, click on “View Results.” Then to vote, go back to the "Cast Votes" tab and you will be shown two proposals at a time drawn randomly from the full list for that stakeholder. Select the one you think is more important to include in a new social contract. Vote on as many proposals as you like; you can stop whenever you'd like, but the more votes you cast, the more accurate the final social contract. Once you are satisfied with your votes on proposals for one stakeholder group (e.g., business), just move on to the next (e.g., labor) and repeat the process.
If you have an original proposal you’d like to add, you can submit it by clicking on "Add Your Own Idea." Your proposal must be less than 140 characters. After you submit your proposal, it will be reviewed by our team for possible inclusion in the exercise.